Adding HTML Code to Blog Post

If you are stuck for

  • How to add HTML code to your blogpost
  • Adding HTML Code to blogpost
  • Coding inside blog post.
Than here is simple step you should follow.

  • Put your code inside </pre> and </pre>
  • Replace Each < with &lt; and > with &gt;
  • And Finally to display &lt; and &gt; use "& amp;lt;" and "& amp;gt;"

That's it you are done with the stuff.

Code for Adding Social Bookmarking at end of each Post

If you got stuck for following, than below given code will help you out.

  • Adding Social Bookmarking at end of each post.
  • Adding Popular Bookmark such as Google, Technorati, Reddit, Spurl, Digg, Yahoo
  • Code for adding bookmarks at bottom of each post
  • Add Post to or Furl
  • Adding Online Bookmarking at end of each post in new blogger
At you new Blogger template -> Edit Html -> check Expand Widget Templates -> search for <div class='post-body'> -> Copy paste the below before its closed </div>

<!-- Start of social bookmarks -->
<!-- -->
<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>
<span style='font-size: 85%;' class='post-author'>

<a expr:href='"" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title'

<a expr:href='"" +
data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title'

<a expr:href='"" +
data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title'

<a expr:href='"" +

<a expr:href='"" +
data:post.title + "&u=" + data:post.url'

<a expr:href='"" +
data:post.url + "&Title=" + data:post.title'

<a expr:href='"" +
data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title'

<a expr:href='"" +
data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title'

<a expr:href='"" +
data:post.title + "&u=" + data:post.url'


<!-- -->
<!-- End of social bookmarks -->

Google Analytics False Statistics

Google Analytics shows false statistics???

Yes it is true.

Identification of Google Analytics False Statistics

  • People posting a comment on my blog still it displays ZERO users visited.
  • This had given me strong reason to put site meter to confirm it. But finally i conclude that yes it is true that Google Analystics is showing false statistics.
  • I hope they improve there service and we get a better Analytics from google.
Please pass on your comments, if you too have face the same problem.

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